When It Falls

美 [wen ɪt fɔːlz]英 [wen ɪt fɔːlz]
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When It FallsWhen It Falls
  1. And more rain , rather than snow , when it falls onto freezing ground , forms a hard layer of ice that the animals simply can 't push their noses through to feed .


  2. Uninstall this application when it falls out of the scope of management


  3. Systematic ideal is meaningful when it falls into the level of concrete operation and practice .


  4. Well , I drop the apple from a height h h with the time when it falls .


  5. The boy said ," Mother , I 'm only thinking not to throw it in pain when it falls . "


  6. When it falls below minperm , it could steal both file and computational pages .


  7. Human beings generally take pleasure in a task when it falls in a sort of optimal-challenge zone ;


  8. When it falls equally upon everybody , you have to think that maybe there is no ulterior motive .


  9. When it falls below 32C , the polymer suddenly absorbs water and expands - and the gold particles are pushed rapidly apart like a spring .


  10. A certain time after date To refuse payment , to dishonour : The drawee refuses to discharge a draft when it falls due for payment .


  11. If interest rates rise , they will only be able to refinance their debt when it falls due if they secure ratings upgrades by making fundamental improvements in their business .


  12. And now something most wonderful , fortunately in full sunlight - or as full as it can be when it falls through fathoms of water - flashed into sight .


  13. And from what I remember , water changes back and forth from water in lakes and oceans to vapor , and then back to water again when it falls as rain or snow , as precipitation .


  14. BlackBerry 's market share was a far more sturdy 13.6 % just three years ago , signifying just how quickly things can turn sour for a smartphone maker when it falls out of favor .


  15. She adds , There are days when it falls into place , but chances are , it happened because you had a lot of smart people that you work with who were knocking it out of the park .


  16. To refuse payment , to dishonour : The drawee refuses to discharge a draft when it falls due for payment . During holidays and National Vacations Does the school pay the teacher 's salary ?


  17. My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies From a church on a breeze To laugh like a brook when it trips And falls over stones on its way .


  18. For reasons not yet fully understood by scientists , the frog 's nose points upward when it calls out and falls flaccid when it 's quiet .
